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Asset Management Overview

HR BANK provides advice on selecting and managing assets, ranging from equities, bonds and funds to specialized investments such as hedge funds and private equity.

The objective of HR BANK is to exceed benchmarks identified for each fund under management while protecting the value of the initial capital investment. The target is to maximize returns for mutual fund investors through dynamic portfolio management and risk diversification. Financial consultancy through research and analysis among diversified investment alternatives is the basis for expanding the client base and gaining the confidence of investors. HR BANK ’s highly qualified research team is regarded very favourably by the financial community. Based on the risk perception of clients, discretionary portfolio management is provided by expert personnel.

A primary advantage of mutual funds is the access gained by small investors to professionally managed, diversified portfolios of equities, bonds and
other securities that would otherwise not be available for investments of small capital. Each shareholder participates proportionally in the gain or loss
of the fund. Mutual fund units, or shares, are issued and are typically purchased or redeemed as needed at the fund’s current net asset value (NAV) per share (sometimes known as NAVPS).
HR BANK has successfully attracted investors to its four mutual funds inspite of fierce competition from deposit taking banks that work to convert demand deposit clients into mutual fund investors. The total portfolio value of the funds under management stands at USD 960 million. Through a fund
supermarket approach, investors have a wide selection of equity funds, funds with fixed income instruments combined with domestic assets, and international funds.

Pension funds are commonly run by a financial intermediary, though some larger corporations manage pension funds in in-house. Pension funds control
relatively large amounts of capital and represent the largest institutional investors in many nations.
The plan administrator is the person responsible for making strategic decisions and managing the day day-to -day affairs of the group’s pension fund/plan. This includes ensuring that contributions are made to the fund that assets are properly allocated and that pay pay-outs are promptly distributed among all qualified plan participants or beneficiaries.
• The cash balance pension plan is a defined defined-benefit plan, but unlike the regular defined-benefit plan, it is maintained on an individual account basis much like a defined-contribution plan. The cash balance plan acts similarly to a defined-contribution plan as changes in the value of the participant’s portfolio do not affect the yearly contribution.
HR BANK is confident that the resources it employs will lead to viable products and the establishment of new alliances. New opportunities will undoubtedly arise from recent developments in the pension fund industry.